

Welcome to my webpage. I am very pleased that you found your way here and hope you enjoy browsing through the pages.

What and where are today’s challenges that every company must recognise for itself and implement appropriate solutions in order to build a sustainable existence? Taking care of this extensive and complex area is a leadership task and at the same time my great passion.

In an ever faster turning global economy, where the short-livedness of products and services is gaining the upper hand more and more, where insecurity and stress bring health consequences and the responsibility for sustainability demands action, the great challenge for me is to promote technical as well as humanistic development and to shape it in such a way that it provides added value for humanity as well as for nature.

In doing so, it is not the legacies of the past that should guide the direction, but the vision that leads to a contented and healthy future. We need to put this knowledge into action so that future generations can benefit from it. This mindset requires time and deceleration, openness and willingness, communication and integration, respect and mindfulness, community and intention.

Every culture needs its space to grow, be it in the family, in the organisation or in its own country. This space in return needs nutrients to enable a climate for growth. This is where I see the beginning of vision development. Normative alignment enables the growth of competencies and innovation, by providing the culture needed among other things. This individual touch defines the path we want to take.

I created slorenz Advisory to make my experience and knowledge available and to share it. Holistic consulting and systemic and transformative leadership coaching are my calling and I see this as a great way to find an efficient and sustainable development process for you as a person, for the team and for the organisation. Especially today, when the complexity in business is constantly increasing, personality has a major influence and healthy decisions are necessary, I am at your disposal with slorenz Advisory as a professional sparring partner.

I am passionate about breaking new grounds and supporting and developing people, the organisation and the business. I focus on trust and inspiration, because this is what creates real traction to successfully realise the vision.

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, 📩 please let me know.

Take care and all the best
