Throughout evolution, humans have acquired new skills to prove themselves in their environment and to survive. With the hypothesis that these skills can adapt in a temporally sequential and rather slow pace over the decades, this will no longer be possible in modern times. Why? Because the spectrum of knowledge is growing explosively, our sensors are totally overwhelmed with this flood of information. In addition, there is an increasing emotional distraction due to excessive demands, fears and insecurities. We run mental marathons every day and rarely reach our destination. This makes us listless and tired. Self-neglect is the consequence and can bring devastating consequences.
All right, I don’t want to paint the devil on the wall.
The strength of our cognitive presence is carried by our primal knowledge. This primal knowledge defines our abilities, our personality and our value system. If we distance ourselves too much from these forces, we lose our footing and falter. This makes us tired.
This primal knowledge is the foundation for our primal confidence and self-assurance and shapes our intuition and skills.
So that we do not fall into a cognitive fatigue, restful time must be consciously planned. It is important to arrive at oneself. In this phase, the formation and further development of our values is possible and essential. From this we draw the new strength for innovation and creativity, which expresses itself in enthusiasm, satisfaction and motivation.
I believe that this awareness of primal knowledge and its integration into our everyday life will take us a step further…
What do you think about this?