How does it get better?

The development in our everyday life is slowed down by a multitude of conflicts that arise due to different opinions. Superficially, these issues are determined today by extreme fringe groups. However, we need values that are the foundation for a healthy and common future. Thus, the question arises for me: Who is entitled to what? The division of justice into different levels is widespread. This leads to a distribution of resources, which are major challenges in the discussion today. Again and again, however, we are reminded through melodies, images, losses and stories of what are the truly essential components of living existence.

From the physicality of the human system, we can explain in the centre the heart and the lungs. This is where vital breathing and the impulse for circulation takes place. Life, love and empathy are made possible by this.

We understand the right and left hemispheres of the brain as control organs that guide us and let us act in a need-oriented way. However, shaped by our own biography, these are enclosed in an individual contextual framework that we develop further on the basis of new experiences and new knowledge.

How does this work with about 8 billion people spread over about 5,000 to 6,000 cultures (=> if we associate the different languages with one culture)? How can modern leadership teachings promote more satisfaction and security?

I carry the conviction that everyone makes or can make a positive contribution. Everyone has their own backpack to carry. Some are light, some are very heavy. Nevertheless, joy, happiness and love can be felt and absorbed. Now if the definition of success is to make someone else feel this authentically and honestly, then mindfulness, empathy and appreciation are the secret to making it a little better. It is the reactivation and appreciation of the “centre”. From there, the themes for a “healing” life should be determined again in the future.

Possibly this could also be seen in a global context…

How do you experience this topic? I look forward to your feedback.

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