“Everyone is replaceable!”

Heard this sentence again today in a discussion. It moved me to write this post.

I believe that the function that performs a task along the value chain is interchangeable. The person who is responsible for it is not. The system-relevant skills and knowledge of a human being are match decisive. This is true in both directions; for the good as well as for the challenging.

As a leader, this is essential as a mindset. We should recognise, integrate and promote the individual. This is how we create healthy working conditions and enjoyment at work. This leads to the fact that therapists are not needed to treat failures up to burnout.

Quite the opposite! With this mindset, we can increase the motivation of employees, which leads to better productivity, fewer sick days, promotes the willingness to innovate and thus makes successful company development possible in the first place.

So… NO ONE is replaceable!

What is your opinion?

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