Global development in volatile times seems to be a strategic challenge for many companies today. Currently, countless new models in all business disciplines illustrate the strong desire from society for change. The focus is on people and their needs for a healthy balance in life. In economic terms, we can describe this as a transformation into a new industrial age.
But what is needed to effectively realise this transformation? How do we create sustainable corporate development?
I understand the most important element to be the integrative introduction of change as a continuum. Life means repetition and transformation and this is the basic prerequisite for progress. With this maxim, 2 main areas can thus be illuminated: Existence and development. This applies to the individual as well as to the enterprise. If we look at nature, we experience this change every day. The natural processes of emergence, development and even death are necessary to enable new life or, in this context, progress. Here, many associations can be worked out and integrated in a sustainable way.
It seems important to me to create added value and a sense of purpose for the relevant disciplines of a company, so that the employees not only do the job and are measured, but are allowed to contribute to progress with motivation and joy. A good and interesting exercise for this is: Take a sheet of paper, write down the process steps one below the other, make a second column and write down the added value for the company per process step and in a third column the meaningfulness for the employees. Written down, this picture can provide you with very instructive information.
Success depends on the personality of the leader and the ability to develop an identity together with the employees. If this traction is bundled for the customer and his needs, the company will be able to develop sustainably and connect socially.
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