🎯 Change for Success

An ancient, universally valid and well-known rule is: “Nothing is so constant as change” (Heraclitus of Ephesus, 535-475 B.C.). As simple as these 6 words may sound, they have always been and still are difficult to put into practice. According to Gartner (gartner.com), only 34% of change projects can be successfully completed. From my opinion, change management is one of the most important keys to the success of the company. Especially in leadership, this virtue is not (yet) part of the daily agenda. As a leader, as an enthusiast, the ability to manage change should be your focus.

πŸ‘‰ Why? Because sustainable success is achieved when the organisation can adapt within a reasonable period of time.

πŸ‘‰ To what? To outperform the needs of your customers within your target market and to balance them with the organisational competences and capabilities.

πŸ‘‰ How? Through integrative and integrating change management.

πŸ‘‰ What is that? A holistic, strategy- and staff-integrating and improvement-oriented project that ensures the long-term development of the organisation… or:

  1. Awareness – understand the importance and interrelationships
  2. Perspectives – understand the path and the required results
  3. Knowledge – understand what relevant competences are required
  4. Participation – include and communicate
  5. Planning – define the project plan
  6. Integration – implementation of the project plan
  7. Consolidation – ensure that the new state provides the desired added value
  8. Review – debriefing and lessons learned

These characteristics are to be understood as a recurring cycle and make an incredible contribution to the development of the organisation. For me, this cycle applies to internal as well as external change projects.

πŸ‘‰ Is that of any use? See what happens if you don’t do it…

πŸ‘ Small hint: Use a well-considered consequence management in planning and solve the tasks with sprints.

How do you deal with change? I am looking forward to your experiences and feedback.

Many thanks & best regards
