Nature Model Leadership

Today I would like to tell you about a topic that I am personally very interested in and which, in my view, will also have an extremely multi-faceted significance for the future.

I spend a lot of time in nature in my private life and love the feeling of being connected with nature and the many wonderful experiences associated with it, after which I always feel satisfied, strengthened and fulfilled.

On one of my excursions, I had the idea of combining the topic of leadership with the phenomena of nature. To recognise the entire wealth of experience of evolution in all its complexity as a teacher, in order to integrate this knowlege in the development of organisations and people, immediately excited me. Since we humans are also natural beings, it is obvious to discover and use nature’s solutions for our needs as well.

This is how I came up with the idea of Nature Model Leadership.

For me, Nature Model Leadership has an important sociological and humanistic meaning, as it aims to redefine and shape the relationship between humans and nature. In a world characterised by economic growth and technological progress, humanity has become alienated from nature. This alienation has led to a multitude of problems, such as pollution, climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

Nature Model Leadership emphasises the importance of a new relationship between humans and nature based on respect, appreciation and sustainability. By promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness of the importance of ecosystems for human well-being and quality of life, the aim is to achieve a profound transformation of the relationship between humans and nature.

Nature Model Leadership is, in my view, humanistic in that it puts people at the centre and works for the well-being of all people. It is about creating a sustainable future for all humanity by balancing ecological, social and economic aspects. The concept of social justice also plays an important role here, as the effects of climate change and pollution particularly affect vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and people in developing countries.

I don’t want to claim completeness here, but rather share my enthusiasm for this topic with you and maybe I can inspire one or the other…

I have created a separate chapter on this topic on my webpage and will successively share new thoughts there. I hope you enjoy reading it…

I look forward to your feedback & best regards
