♾️ The Permanence of Change

The world is turning faster and faster, needs are constantly changing and adaptability is left behind somewhere on the road and explained and dismissed with many words of blame…

The future is uncertain and depends on many factors, including competition, human behaviour, natural events and unforeseen circumstances.

However, it is possible to forecast the probability of future events based on existing data and trends. This is often referred to as prediction or forecasting. Predictions can be made in a number of ways, including statistical modelling, trend and pattern analysis, expert opinion and futures research.

It is important to note that predictions are not always accurate and that the future always remains uncertain. However, it is possible to predict the likelihood of future events based on existing information and to make decisions based on these predictions.

I think 💭 it is very important that an organisation is ready to adapt when it is really challenged. An exciting topic in this regard is the permanence of change. In my view, this is a cultural necessity in order to be able to face future challenges.

Permanence of change describes the idea that constant change is a natural part of life and work. It contrasts with the idea that change is a one-off and that a stable state is reached once the change process is complete.

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, the permanence of change is an important factor. Organisations need to be able to continuously adapt to new developments and challenges in order to remain competitive. This means that change should not be seen as a one-off event, but as part of a continuous process.

To achieve permanence of change, organisations need to foster a culture of continuous improvement and ensure that they have the necessary resources and skills to adapt quickly to new developments. An agile organisational structure and agile working methods such as Scrum can help improve the adaptability and responsiveness of organisations and support the permanence of change.

The concept of permanence of change in the humanistic approach refers to the idea that individuals have the capacity to change in a lasting way, and that this change is based on their inner motivations and desires.

According to the humanistic approach, individuals are not simply passive recipients of environmental influences or predetermined by their genetic makeup. Instead, they have the ability to shape their own destiny by making choices that reflect their deepest values and aspirations. This perspective suggests that individuals can achieve personal growth and self-realization by tapping into their innate potential and working to overcome barriers that may be blocking their path to success.

Permanence of change, in this context, refers to the idea that the changes individuals make in their lives are not just temporary, but have the potential to become permanent and enduring. This means that individuals have the ability to sustain their progress over time, and to maintain their newfound sense of purpose, meaning, and direction.

What can I do ?

👉 Identify the critical steps in the process: Identify the steps in the process that have the most impact on the final outcome. These critical steps should be prioritised and designed to be particularly adaptive and responsive.

👉 Implement flexible technologies and tools: Implementing technologies and tools that are flexible and adaptable and can help improve the process. For example, using cloud-based systems or automation tools can help speed up the process and make it more responsive.

👉 Establish clear responsibilities and roles: Clearly defined responsibilities and roles for the different steps in the process can help improve efficiency and responsiveness. Make sure everyone in the process understands their role and what is expected of them.

👉 Implement a continuous improvement programme: Implementing a continuous improvement programme, such as Lean Six Sigma, can help to continuously improve the process. By identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement in the process, you can improve the adaptability and responsiveness of the process.

👉 Monitor the process and collect feedback: Continuous monitoring and data collection in the process can help improve efficiency and responsiveness. By collecting feedback from clients and other stakeholders, you can react quickly to changes and adapt the process accordingly.

And most important : Integrate people 📌

To integrate people into this process of change, it is important to provide them with the tools and resources they need to tap into their innate potential and overcome the barriers that may be holding them back.

One way to integrate people into the process of change is to provide them with access to education and training programs that can help them develop new skills, acquire knowledge, and expand their perspectives. This can include programs that focus on personal development, career development, or academic enrichment, among others. By giving people the opportunity to learn and grow, they can become more confident and empowered to take charge of their lives and pursue their goals.

Another way to integrate people into the process of change is to provide them with support and guidance as they navigate the challenges and obstacles they may encounter along the way. This can include mentoring, coaching, counseling, or other forms of emotional and psychological support that can help people build resilience and develop coping strategies. By providing people with a supportive environment, they can feel more confident and motivated to pursue their goals, and more able to overcome setbacks and challenges.

Finally, it is important to recognize the unique strengths and abilities of each individual, and to encourage them to use these qualities to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world. This can involve helping people to identify their passions and interests, and to find ways to apply these in their personal and professional lives. By emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and self-determination, and by providing people with the tools and resources they need to succeed, we can help to integrate them into the process of permanence of change and support their ongoing growth and development.

How do you or your organisation deal with the permanence of change?

Looking forward to your feedback & best regards
