▣ The aura of personality

Who hasn’t experienced this: A person enters the room and everyone keeps quiet and palpable embarrassment sets in. Another person, on the other hand, acts like a magnet.

🤔 Where does this phenomenon come from?

👍 The aura of personality refers to the charisma and impression a person makes on other people. It includes various aspects such as character, behaviour, attitudes, emotions and energy. A positive personality aura is often associated with qualities such as self-confidence, friendliness, openness, empathy and authenticity and is perceived as attractive, inspiring and charismatic.

👎 A negative aura of personality, on the other hand, can be associated with qualities such as arrogance, negativity, egotism and dishonesty and can make other people feel repelled or uncomfortable by that person. The aura of the personality can change over time and is shaped by various factors such as experiences, upbringing, values and beliefs.

💡 Especially in corporate development along the customer journey, where communication and trust play a central role, sustainable success is only possible through

A the skills and

B above all the personality of the people responsible.

🎯 If I succeed in being a magnet, detached from my title, the work in the team is really fun. And fun is a good prerequisite for success.

As a leadership enthusiast, for me the key to more traction in shaping the future lies in personality development. For the whole team. To conclude the topic of personality development, I see great potential in the following mindset:

➜ The real power in leadership lies in the benevolent promotion of the other person, the creation of meaning for the work performance and the charging of one’s own power resources from the achieved satisfaction.

What are your experiences? I look forward to our exchange.

Best regards
