Change through leadership

Especially in the SME environment, I am always amazed at how much leadership is concerned with micro management instead of recognising the existing competencies and creating a foundation of trust through appropriate promotion and inspiring through their own personality. It may be that due to high competition, the pressure is so strong that it blinds.

πŸ’₯ The consequence: the company is ailing, customers are turning away and turnover is falling. And now?

You certainly know this situation. Have you ever asked yourself why such a situation can arise in the first place?

πŸ’‘ A company is built on stable pillars. If the foundation is still unstable and shaky, these pillars will not be able to stand and the former plan would collapse. In order for this not to happen, a careful approach to the goals, the available resources, the time and the people is needed. This is the task spectrum of leadership.

Leadership comes about through one’s own personality development. From this we can deduce:

➜ If I am doing well, my company will also do well.

Letting go and accepting in leadership are important skills that can help to create a better working environment and promote effective leadership. To make this happen, I have listed some important tasks that have a powerful effect on change through leadership:

πŸ‘ Delegate: One of the basic skills of letting go in leadership is delegating tasks and responsibilities to staff. Trust that your team members are capable of doing their jobs and offer them the freedom to do their work their way.

πŸ‘ Build trust: Strive to create an environment of trust within your team. Show your staff that you trust them to do their jobs and that you are willing to support them when they need it.

πŸ‘ Empowerment: Give your staff the power to make decisions and take responsibility. This can increase their motivation and engagement as they feel they have a real impact on the business.

πŸ‘ Establish feedback culture: Create an open feedback culture where employees feel safe to offer constructive criticism and contribute ideas. Accepting feedback and implementing improvements shows that you are open to change.

πŸ‘ Show flexibility: In the leadership role you need to be able to react flexibly to new information and circumstances. This requires a willingness to adapt plans and consider new approaches.

πŸ‘ Letting go of control: Recognise that you cannot control everything and be willing to let go of things that are out of your control. Focus on what you can influence.

πŸ‘ Accept diversity and differences: Acceptance also means accepting the diversity and differences in your team. Value the different perspectives and skills of your staff and foster an inclusive work environment.

πŸ‘ Practice patience: Letting go and accepting takes time and practice. There may be moments of frustration, but be patient with yourself and your team as you develop these skills.

πŸ‘ Self-reflection: Reflect regularly on your own behaviours and habits as a leader. Ask yourself if you may be too controlling or inflexible and how you can improve.

πŸ‘ Development: Keep up to date with current developments and best practices in leadership. Continuing education and training can help you improve your leadership skills.

πŸ‘ Seek support: If you have difficulty letting go or accepting, it can be helpful to seek support from a coach or mentor who can help you with personal development in your leadership role. Β 

Letting go and embracing leadership requires self-reflection, practice and a willingness to continuously improve. These skills can contribute to becoming a more effective and inspiring leader who leads his team towards success and thus provides stability to develop the company further. Especially in our global economy, the companies that stand out are those that have managed to present a company through leadership, that have a personality of their own and through that shine and inspire.

I look forward to a constructiveΒ discourseΒ with you.

Take care & best regards
