Cobbler, stick to your last…

One behaviour that I see again and again in organisational development projects is imitation. Surprisingly, this behaviour comes into play when desperation is in the air or when the business figures are calling for help.

⚠ However, imitation does not create a sustainable perspective, as the basic substance of the organisation, the normative pillars, are left out. What happens is a brief shout of joy, followed by a long, yawning silence.

👉 In organisational development projects, I therefore see values as the starting point for successful implementation. Building on this, the individual spirit of the organisation and its authenticity can be preserved.

👉 This in turn is the foundation for meaningfulness and the resulting loyalty enables the desired organisational development.

🤝 So, cobbler stick to your last… Invest in your values and not in imitation!

I wish you much confidence and success and will be happy to support you as a sparring partner.

Take care & best regards
